Minecraft Earth is now available for Pre-registration on the Play Store

Minecraft Earth şimdi Ön Kayıt için Play Store'da
Minecraft Earth şimdi Ön Kayıt için Play Store'da

The first closed beta version for Minecraft Earth was launched in July for players in London, Seattle, Stockholm and Tokyo. Today, Mojang, the augmented version of Minecraft, finally released a beta on the Google Play Store, and it appears that another beta wave will take place next week. Although Mojang doesn’t decide whether it’s an on or off beta, a recent tweet from the Minecraft Earth account leads to a sign-up page.

Minecraft Earth Official Introductory Video

Today’s pre-recording list seems to have nothing to do with the announcement of another beta tour today. So if you want to get into the next wave, you’ll need to sign up for Mojang’s official website, and if you want to get a notification when the game is officially released on Android, pre-register on the Play Store button at the bottom of this line. Required.

Minecraft Earth
Price: Free

We don’t know when Minecraft Earth will officially debut, but countless beta waves and today’s pre-release list, whatever happens, must be a sign that we’re getting closer to that date.

Minecraft Earth is now available for Pre-registration on the Play Store

Currently, the new Google Play Store list will be released in-app purchases, but the title is not yet available, so no price is offered, he said.

Obviously, this leaves many of us with many unanswered questions, so we hope the next beta will bring a few more clues. If you’d like to try your luck, sign up for beta access on Mojang’s site.


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